What comes to mind when you think of procrastination? What tasks do you have to reach down to your toes to find motivation for and it still takes everything within you to get started? For me? Mopping and ironing.  I don't ever seem to mind them once I'm started but somehow the initial time getting prepared and started is an eternity and one that can wait a little longer. Yes, that means there are usually spots on my floors that the broom did not pick up and stacks of clothes set aside for that someday when I decide to do all my ironing at once while the lingering garments wait their way out of our wardrobes.  
But today! Today was different! At least one of these dreaded, tedious tasks will not be so neglected anymore! Goodbye old sponge mop and bucket! So long floor cleaner and countless rinses! Hello Steam Mop. Welcome to my Cleaning Closet! 

Your responses from my recent post on making yogurt at home were thought-provoking and encouraging. I hope some of you have considered trying it for yourself or maybe thought twice about the idea.  It is really so easy and healthy! But not everyone desires or is able to purchase a machine, and some of you have asked me if there are other ways to make it at home. Of course! There is always more than one way to skin a cat or do something for yourself, that is. So I did a little research with the help of my friends Lauren L. and Wendy D. who are experimenting in their own kitchens. 
We've come across several informative links to share with those of you interested in learning more about yogurt making without a machine. Most use a crock pot, but even methods vary among those. So read up and find a method that works for you. 

Strawberries are in season and it's time for jam! 
Have you ever wanted to make jam but been afraid of the cooking process? 
This quick and simple freezer jam is a great introduction to canning and preserving the season's produce!
Strawberries are usually plentiful in the south this time of year, but not so this year. This ruby beauty is happiest with consistent temperatures which is exactly what we have not received in the extreme climate since the year started. Why, even last week we experienced overnight lows in the 30's and this week have consistent daily highs near 90*, heavy rain storms followed by dry heat. It's a wonder any berries have survived . Our local farmer says the season started off early due to the warm weather and has already hit mid-season several weeks early.  So, what does that mean for us? Well, I wonder if we'll see strawberry stands open until July like last year.  Therefore, I'm not waiting until the middle of May for my annual freezer jam session. It's time to catch the third quarter crop while they are ripe for the pickin'! If you're looking for strawberries from local farms this year, get them while they are still selling because they may not be around later.