Wheat Thins... made from scratch! Does that get your attention?? It did mine a few weeks ago when I came across this most intriguing recipe. I am currently on a journey to reduce my weekly spending on bread items by learning to make as many at home as is easily possible. My toddler is not the only one in this household who LOVES crackers and Wheat Thins are our favorite! So, what did I do yesterday when I needed some for our snack, realized we were out and didn't want to run to the store?  I pulled out this saved recipe and gave it a try! 

... Now, do I always have time for just whipping up a batch of crackers in time for us to eat them for snack time? NO! But I had time for a little experimenting at that moment and took advantage of it. Gracelynn helped me flour the dough, her hands, the table, my rolling pin, and anything else she could pat, pat, pat with her messy floury hands! What a game! And I found a new favorite recipe which will be even more perfect with a little tweaking. One batch filled a quart zip lock bag, and I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard to double. Seems to me this would be an easy batch recipe to bake when I have time storing some in the pantry for serving and the rest in the fridge or freezer for later.  

I'll update this post in the future if I adjust the recipe, but for now, some of you might like to try it out yourselves. Here's the link to the recipe on Tammy's Recipes which is an excellent blog full of great recipes for wholesome cooking. I'm in the process of trying quite a few of her recipes as I'm able. So, while you're there, take a look around.

Homemade Wheat Thin Style Crackers Recipe
Tammy's Recipes

Recipe Note - I can make one observation at this point that may help others as you try it out. Being the rule-follower that I am, I was particularly interested in trying to make my dough roll out to the measurements that she suggested, which for some reason was a bit stretching it for my dough and made the crackers thinner than I prefer them to be.  I'm guessing that may also have contributed to the air pockets which developed in the oven.  I mixed my dough in the food processor and don't know if that makes a difference in the elasticity. Next time I will either try combining by hand or concentrate on the thickness of cracker I want when rolling it out.  There is no yeast, so the size they go in is the size they come out of the oven.  The flavor is excellent and a little salt goes a long way.  I generally shy away from recipes that require kneading and rolling, but this one is really very simple. I can see how a few times around will establish a routine and it could become a quick and easy task. 
I also noticed that my crackers came out a lighter color than hers did. This could be a photo issue or she may have used a regular hard wheat flour.  I used a whole white wheat flour which creates a lighter texture. Your preference...

Let me know if you try them out and what you think. You cannot beat the price. The most expensive ingredient is 1/2 stick of butter (I use light butter) and the rest are pantry staples.  That's $3 more for crackers that I can mark off my grocery list. The grocery savings is adding up!

Bread Recipe coming soon: I've been on a search for years for a homemade whole wheat sandwich bread recipe that doesn't taste dense like homemade wheat bread does. I'm eagerly getting near a final product that can easily slip into our weekly schedule and mark one more item off my shopping list. I'll let you know when my final tests are complete. Until then, try your floured hands on some homemade crackers!

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